Featured Guest:
Vivian Chavez, MPH, DrPH, is a college professor, social justice artist, and yoga/meditation teacher. Much of her work focuses on facilitating conversations about power and privilege and how these operate in our lives. Vivian uses community building, storytelling, creativity, and movement to teach health and wellness. She has her master's and doctorate from the University of CA, Berkeley, with research in "Violence in the Lives of Young Women in Urban Environments." Vivian is an author of books and articles about prevention, youth media, community-based research and cultural humility. She has presented her work in Cuba, Peru, and Argentina, studied in India, and lectured throughout the U.S.
In this episode we discuss the framework of cultural humility. Vivian shares the and the shift of away from discussing it in terms of cultural competency to cultural humility, the role of prevention and the benefits of dynamic teaching methodology. She will be presenting "Cultural Humility from the Inside Out: A Clinical Approach to Addressing Bias"
on April 15, 2021 from 6 PM to 8 PM at the online LA
Expressive Therapies Summit.
UCLA Arts & Healing
Expressive Therapies Summit
Therapy With Erica
The Innovative Parent: Raising Connected, Happy, Successful Kids through Art
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