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Shining Light Onto Our Gremlins: Casting out the Imposter

Reina Lombardi • May 17, 2024

Shining Light Onto Our Gremlins: Casting out the Imposter

Oil Painting
Shining Light Onto Our Gremlins: Casting out the Imposter

Whether you call the nagging voice of not enough a Gremlin, the Inner Limited Thinker, or the Imposter, one thing is certain - whatever it is whispering in your ear is likely a huge bold lie. Despite success and achievements, some of us struggle with feelings of unworthiness which leads to a false belief that we are a fraud. 

What is it about this voice that causes us to listen to it and therefore, give it more power over us? The reasons may be varied and multiple.

A few that come up for me are fear of being seen, fear of taking up space, fear of being more successful than others, fear of not knowing enough, fear of not being experienced enough, fear of outgrowing those around me, fear of being perceived a B word or stupid, and fear of being judged or criticized by others.

I am sure there are more, but these are the biggies. Societal programming and family upbringing all play a role in the quality of the voice. Women and people of color often experience Imposter Syndrome more than our male counterparts. 

In 1978, Dr. Pauline Clance and Dr. Suzanne Imes, coined the term "Imposter Phenomenon" to describe when high-achieving people experience varying levels of self-doubt despite their achievements. The Clance Imposter Phenomenon Scale, created by Dr. Clance,  was created to determine how impacted one may be by the Imposter, which you can take
here. I scored a 52 on the Clance IP Scale, which indicates moderate impact. Clearly, I am still a work in progress when it comes to quieting this inner voice. 

If I took the assessment 10 years ago I likely would have scored between 70-80. The imposter wanted me to believe that I didn't have enough experience, training, or business acumen to be successful as an independent practitioner. I am so glad that I didn't listen to that voice. I wouldn't be where I am today had I listened to it and played small. 

Experiencing the voice of the Gremlin, Inner Critic, or Imposter?

Below is an experiential for you to shine light upon them and cast them out. 

Create an image of what this voice looks like either realistically or symbolically. Name them. Pull out some lined paper or your computer and dialogue with the image. Ask them all the questions you want to know about them. What is their origin story? Who do they sound most like from your life? What function are they performing for you? How might they be trying to protect you? Use their responses to form additional questions. 

Now create an image of the Crone Archetype. This is the older, wiser version of yourself. One with an inner knowing, who has lived through it all, who trusts her intuition and understands the passage you are setting upon. The Crone has insights and knowledge that only one who has lived through this part of your life can possess. What does she look like? Dialogue with her. What words of wisdom can she offer? What does she have to say about the voice of the Imposter? What does she have to say about playing small and not taking up space? Perhaps, have the Imposter and the Crone have a dialogue with one another. 

Once you do that, imagine what it would look like and feel like to be in a state of embodiment possessing the strength, wisdom and insight the Crone has shared with you. Describe that in as much detail as possible. Sit in that space for a while. Become familiar with that sense of yourself. Practice getting into that embodied state so that it becomes more and more familiar.

Take some time to reflect upon what came up in this creative process. What insights or awareness came as a result? How can you use those to quiet the voice and befriend it?

When you are ready to take action in your business that the Imposter may have been holding you back, get into the embodied state of the Crone. Reflect on what it feels like to operate from this state of embodiment versus that of insecurity and doubt. 

Make a list of all your achievements and accomplishments this year - small and large. Refer back to this when the Gremlin tells you that you are not enough, need more training, or need more experience. Use it as a reminder and affirmer of all you are capable of achieving. 

Need support overcoming your Imposter voice as you heed the call to play bigger, take up space, and build a practice? Call 239-297-7099 or
email to schedule a consultation.

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