Gretchen Miller, MA, ATR-BC, ACTP, is a Registered Board-Certified art therapist and an Advanced Certified Trauma Practitioner practicing in Cleveland and Akron, Ohio. Her experiences include providing art therapy services for youth and women from homes of domestic violence, grieving children and adolescents, families and adults transitioning out of homelessness, survivors of human trafficking, and youth managing mental health recovery.
Gretchen is a regional, national, and international speaker, art therapy author about adolescents, domestic violence, digital art therapy, and social media, as well as an Adjunct Faculty for Ursuline College and The George Washington University’s graduate art therapy programs. Gretchen currently serves on the American Art Therapy Association (AATA) Board of Directors, is a Past President of Ohio's Buckeye Art Therapy Association (BATA) and recipient of BATA’s Honorary Life Membership Award.
She is the author of The Art Therapist’s Guide to Social Media published by Routledge and served as Guest Editor for the International Journal of Art Therapy's (IJAT) Special Issue about Online Art Therapy in 2020.
Resources & How to find Gretchen:
The Art Therapist's Guide to Social Media
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