Episode 4 | Rachel Brandoff & Angel Thompson | How Speaking at a Conference Can Garner a Publishing Deal
Heather Caldwell • January 29, 2020
I'm over the moon thrilled to have Rachel Brandoff & Angel Thompson on the show today. They will be talking about their new book Quick & Creative Art Projects for Creative Therapists with (Very) Limited Budgets. They will also share how a conference presentation on this topic turned into a published book. We will discuss how they managed the co-authoring process at the same time as juggling all their other life responsibilities to ensure it was complete by the publishers deadline.
**Receive a 20% discount AND enter a raffle to WIN your own free copy of the book!! To receive directions on how to apply your 20% discount please go here
and enter your email address in the pop-up. You will receive a message with detailed instructions. click >>> I WANT TO WIN!
I hope you enjoy listening to this one as much as I did recording it.
Email Rachel Brandoff at Rachel.brandoff@jefferson.edu
Email Angel Thompson at artmamasays@gmail.com
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