What feelings come up for you when you think about delegating tasks within your practice? None are right or wrong. They are simply information for you to better understand.
What feelings come up for you when you think about delegating tasks within your practice? None are right or wrong. They are simply information for you to better understand.
What can you think of for your practice? When we free up hours within our week spent doing tasks that do not command our hourly fees for services, we open up time within our schedule to see another client, for more self-care time or family time, or time to engage in our own personal creative process. All without financial ruin, as those other tasks can be accomplished at significantly less than your hourly rate.
For example, I have a professional cleaning company that comes once per week to clean the office for $240 per month. Prior to that, I had been going in every weekend for an hour or two to clean the space myself. Not a great use of my time!
Delegation is your friend!
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