The Power of Collaboration
Many of us in private practice are operating alone. This can be peaceful, but it can also leave us feeling isolated if we have not built up a network of peers for support.
Collaboration is a wonderful way of making meaningful connections with colleagues, and a way to establish yourself and your practice in the community. We know that client outcomes improve through collaborative care.
There are so many ways to collaborate.
It could be for mutual support and networking. One example of that is creating a small Facebook group for therapists in private practice in your local area. Schedule quarterly in-person networking meetings and use the online forum as a place to share and seek referrals. I have been running a group like this for the past 3 years and it has been really helpful in establishing great connections with peers in my area.
It could be for case consultations. Create a peer-consultation group once per month open to a handful of colleagues. A group like this specifically for EMDR practitioners emerged as a result of the networking meetings for the group I mentioned above. If you have a niche or specialty, you could create one for that.
It could be for creating a collaborative program or offering. Connecting with a colleague with a complimentary style and approach could give way to a mini-retreat, group or workshop that you co-facilitate.
Collaboration creates opportunities to establish connection, trust and respect for one another's work. It is as important to others to know and trust the therapist they are referring clients to, as it is to us. It is a win-win for all.
Do you have any examples of successful collaborations that have enhanced your practice?
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